Thursday, October 18, 2012

More Monsters, more scenes

So, besides being somewhat sidetracked by Succubus Nests, recent progress has been around "bonus" h-content in the Inn, and adding more monsters.

The monsters are all rogue staples, and will just result in a player death (no h-content) if they kill you.  As such, I've added them relatively sparingly, since we don't want too much risk of losing characters in non-hentai ways.

Here we have a giant bat, along with the usual Icky Thing.  Also worth noting is I buffed everyone's HP and damage, to help even out spikes that resulted from the RND (Nothing like randomly having your face crit off...)

Giant rats are, of course, required by law.

Currently, it just goes into a scene in the inn, but in the future I'll have the extra scenes triggered by certain plot events.  I went ahead and wrote three different fantasies per race, which was probably overkill, although I didn't do extra graphics for each one.

Later on, there'll be a peeping scene at the inn as well, along with some nightmares so that you can see the GOR for enemies you defeated without losing your player.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A little bit of plot

I'm not precisely making a Hentai Hamlet here, and Roguelikes generally feature a relatively simple plot, so I've made an effort to keep things focused (Defeat the bad girl, rescue downed NPCs on the way for extra pics/scenes) and avoid lots of text.

Here's where you spawn, starting the game:

A quick look at the poster introduces the villain:

...and chatting with the lead guard gives you some background and starts the quest to go kill her (and leads to the quest with Marigold):

I've coded in some of the town/inn events that provide some of the non-GOR hentai, but the scripting isn't done yet, so no screenshots of that.  Although it's a relatively minor feature, I've altered the heroines so they emote when they lose clothing, based on their randomly-generated personality:

Also changed, monsters have distances at which they can see you.  I've changed the aggro system so they can "Alert" other ways than seeing you, expect intelligent monsters to raise the alarm, and possible events like screaming when you lose clothing or the crash from bashing open a door to alert nearby monsters.