Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another villain

This particular one helps fill our catgirl quota.  She's an obvious Felicia rip-off, I know, but it's kind of hard to find cat girls that aren't just an extra pair of ears, and a werecougar enemy should look a little bestial.

Like the succubus, she can turn defeated player characters into enemies... that'll take a little coding, but it shouldn't be anything prohibitive.  In this enemies' case, she turns each race into some different were-variety: a wererat for the gnome, a werefox for the elf, and a werebear for the half-troll.

You don't stay playable after that... I considered it, but the feature/art creep would just be too much.  It's just another way I'm trying to add a little persistence to the world, and if that can take the way of extra hentai content, all the better.

Updates will probably be a little irregular through the holidays.