Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another villain

This particular one helps fill our catgirl quota.  She's an obvious Felicia rip-off, I know, but it's kind of hard to find cat girls that aren't just an extra pair of ears, and a werecougar enemy should look a little bestial.

Like the succubus, she can turn defeated player characters into enemies... that'll take a little coding, but it shouldn't be anything prohibitive.  In this enemies' case, she turns each race into some different were-variety: a wererat for the gnome, a werefox for the elf, and a werebear for the half-troll.

You don't stay playable after that... I considered it, but the feature/art creep would just be too much.  It's just another way I'm trying to add a little persistence to the world, and if that can take the way of extra hentai content, all the better.

Updates will probably be a little irregular through the holidays.


  1. i want to play so much. you could try adding the playable after stuff sometime in the future or maybe the next game.

  2. Been following the updates now and then over the past year, and for the life of me I can't find a link to the game or the name of the game... Though I assume it is called Adventuress Soft.

    I know i'm being fairly dense, but is there a link somewhere that I missed when I went through the blog?

  3. I believe the game's name is The Dungeon of Lost Maidens. There has been no playable release as of yet.

    Looking forward to updates!

  4. If im not mistaken he said that he didnt want to release a demo/unfinished game because there are literally tons of half-finished games out there already.

    i can appreciate that, the wait is tough though ^^

  5. Yeah, apologies on this blog being a tease, but among other things, once you release a partial version, it'll be floating around for the rest of eternity.

    I'll make a release once the game is done, and probably at least a bugfix or two after that.
