So at least one background is now in the game, so everyone isn't hovering in white space. Here we see the player confronting the first "boss":

Note the player's mana. Here's the after shot, I've introduced maximum mana gain (both yours and the enemies') as plundered from fallen magic using opponents:
Some backgrounds will need to be changed, of course, since they're perspective shots, and things like town and special room backgrounds need to go in, but this is a start. On a game balance note, here our Half-troll Adventuress (the melee class) comes face-to-face with the kobold sorceress boss... at the end of a hall:

By the time she's closed range with the boss, she's down to just a few hit points a bit of cloth:
Unsurprisingly, she gets about one blow in and then tastes defeat (and tentacles): balancing is still to come, but I may have to tweak monster sight distance to prevent this kind of thing from happening. At the very least, the player should be able to lure a ranged enemy down the hall where they can ambush them from melee.
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