Saturday, January 16, 2016

Version 1.2

I will get this thing playable yet... anyway, here's version 1.2 (Same password as 1.1 to unRAR)


Portals now work "Diablo-Style" you can ride them back down from the town
Keyreshka and David's spawn has been changed to prevent them from being too far apart.
Added a "Generate at Start" option under the Configuration, so you can generate all the levels first, then play the game without having to wait.

BUG Fixes:

Appear to have fixed problems with level generation hanging.
Fixed bug where NPC portals could overwrite stairwells.
Special player corpses from orcs had been dummied out, now back in.
Fixed a few background issues on some of the game over graphics.
All cave levels should have reachable exits now.
NPC's now properly removed from town if they die in the dungeon


  1. Well. The Level Gen crashes randomly. At least with pregen I know it beforehand. Of about 10 tries only 2 ran through.

    Expection data:
    at RogueLike.Maps.BuildMap(Int32 MaxFail, Exits[] Res, Int32 Depth, Boolean Cave)
    at RogueLike.Form1.StartGameEngine(Boolean NewWorld)

    If this is the same bug as the last version had it is quite a persistant bug...

    Good luck finding it.

  2. I have reached the Barrier now and I have problems to get it down.

    I have beaten 3 Mages in the 3 levels that branch of the great cavern but the barrier is only faltering. I have not found any other enemies even remotly close to that level. Am I missing something?

    If I am not missing anything it might be important that I defeated the Illusionist before ever entering the Workshop level with the barrier. I suspect a running condition or a counter reset on the official quest start.

  3. Ok, found that bug, it crashes due to debug mode being turned on... when I ran it before RARing the game, it apparently didn't trigger the condition that causes the bug.

    Also, the 3 Mages thing is due to me getting too clever with the scripting... that, and a few other issues will be fixed next patch, probably in the next day or so.
