Monday, January 18, 2016

Version 1.3

Trying to get everything fixed so the game's fully playable.  Thanks again for everyone who posted bugs.


Saving the game has a prompt, and notifies you if you're somewhere you can't save.
NPC dialogue cleaned up a little to reflect being hired.
Defeating the kobold sorceresses is now a marked quest, after talking to Artemis.
NPCs now have interactable "corpses" and can be rescued with a town portal scroll.
Monsters now respawn on the level you died on if playing on a difficulty higher than easy.

BUG Fixes:

Fixed (another) bug in level generation, this one causing a crash (due to a debugging feature being left on)
Changed the Sealed Staircase scripting so it's now properly passible.
"Corpses" from NPCs and Bosses should be viewable by pressing H while on top of them.
Hiring an NPC was disabling the wrong dialogue box.


  1. Ok. Let's break this version. :-P
    Bugs with a ? might be intended, missing features or suggestions instead of a classical bug.

    Bug 1: the "spare her?" options of the necromancer are flipped.
    Bug 2?: No corpse for her either. At least if you answered no. (And therefore spared her...)
    Bug 3: Keyreshka scene did not trigger. She is still there, but the scene with david did not happen. He is also not there. Maybe the room where she spawned is too small. Victory scene did happen.
    Bug 4: Out of range exception when donating to the temple often enough.
    Trace: System.IndexOutOfRangeException at RogueLike.Form1.ShopResult(Int32 BP)
    Bug 5?: No corpse for the expedition member that is attacked by goblin mages if you don't help her fast enough.
    Bug 6?: Found a cum smear in the filthy dens. No corpse either.
    Bug 7?: Beastgirl has no corpse. (Awww, I want to keep her. :-P)
    Bug 8?: Orc maiden has no corpse.
    Bug 9?: random generated goblin mages and seasoned goblin mages leave no corpses. (Those might be intended but are easy to add. The assets should exist from the first goblin mages)
    Bug 10?: Illuionist illusions leave a cum smear. Should probably just disapear.
    Bug 11: Great Cavern generated as 4 corridors and nothing else. Unusual Cavern... Might be random bug...
    Potential Bug: Barrier might sometimes spawn in a way that stops you from reaching the boss of the level.
    Bug 12: Barrier quest doas not mark complete when the barrier collapses.
    Bug 13: sometimes green chests disapear without saying anything.
    Bug 14?: No victory scene for naga sorceresses? That has to be a bug. :-P
    Bug 15: Find Marigolds Party can't be finished. At least I think so. You will probably lose someone in every game...

    Exploit: If you have a full inventory you can reroll chests until you get money or a trinket. This increases the chance to get trinkets significantly. I ended the game with 11 trinkets and brought none. Coffins on the other hand say "You find something, but can't carry any more items."
    Possible bug: Did not try it yet, but can the Kobold sorceresses quest be finished if you make peace with the elder before defeating all of them?

    Enhancement: I think a strap on or dildo would be more fitting for the adventuress than the tentacle summoning scroll. But that would be a whole new set of scenes...
    You can also probabbly summon the tentacles without talking to the npc that gives it to you.

    Request: Change places with items on the floor if you can't pick them up.
    Request: I liked that I could follow my rescues through the portal. The walk to get a new scroll is quite annoying if you are far down in the dungeon.

    Now to play it without cheats. :-P

  2. Another bug: Error missing script #211 when losing to Keyreshka.

  3. And another one: The config menu opens on new character -> Echantress

  4. Another... Could enter Crypt without defeating any of the 3 bosses.

  5. And another on: The Cauldron did not spawn the doppelganger, making that round unwinable.
    This one and the crypt one could be because the level was generated after a finished round without closing the game. Maybe a flag didn't get reset.

    The Cavern Corridor thing might happen on all level types. I got that a few more times on other levels, but the giant cavern generated correctly in most cases. So that seems to be a random bug. Annoying to find that kind of thing.

    Finaly a request: Can we have a scene gallery? That would be so cool. :-D

    Enough for today.
    Have fun fixing these. :-D
    Fun game so far. Thanks for the work.

  6. Oh wow... that is really thorough. I'll add all those to the to-do list, with the following exceptions/comments:

    I'm pretty sure you can't get the tentacle ring as Half-troll before going in the dungeon. That's what the green quest door is for, although you won't notice that if Quickstart is on.

    You aren't supposed to be able to spare the Necromantrix... she makes one last ditch (unsuccessful) attack if you try to, so you don't have a choice.

    On the Filthy Dens, there's a NPC you can rescue, which can die before you reach her, but that should have left a corpse, so it's a bug.

    The tentacle ring thing is partially an oversight, as I realized the half-troll had no magic after I'd done half the artwork.

    Thanks again for all the playtesting.

  7. With the Necromantrix the choices are the wrong way around. If you answer no to the "spare her?" question, you turn around and she makes her last attack (and fails). If you say yes (to the question "spare her?") you take her out yourself. Should be switched.

  8. And I just thought a strap on or dildo whould be moore fitting for the half-troll.

    As I wrote, I didn't expect it to be made for this version. Different winning scenes for each class are more of an expansion thing.

    BTW, regarding the town portal thing from the first post: Can you use the town portal spell of the Sorceress (I think) to rescue people?

  9. Yeah, you're right about the Necromantrix... fixed it. I'll see about adding the portal option to rescues, since really it's only logical.

    Any thoughts about game balance? Some enemies too hard or too easy?
