Saturday, January 23, 2016

Version 1.4
Same password as previous.  New this version:


If you can cast Portal, you can now rescue people with it instead of a scroll.
Complete quest color changed to blue to make it more readable
Naga Sorceress has an intro and defeat script and graphic.

BUG Fixes:

David now doesn't change skin colors while Keyreshka is on top of him.
Keyreshka is now properly scripted if you left without completing the fight.
Kobold and Barrier quests now will mark complete
Dorothy now has the correct icon in town.
Slain Evil Illusionist images no longer leave a splatter.
Fixed overflow bug with temple donations.
Necromantrix sparing options corrected to use the right script.
Necromantrix, Isabella Gemglow, and Orc Maiden now leave a corpse.
Dorothy is now mercifully silent after you talk to her in the dungeon.


  1. Glad to see the frequent fixes!

    Noticed one major bug: When you make a new character after dying on Easy difficulty, Level and HP is retained but STR and DEX is reset back to 2/1. So while you may be able to take a few hits, it'll be nearly impossible to kill anything and you're essentially forced to perform a full reset. Kinda defeats the purpose of respawning.

  2. Could you add something into the config for maybe a fullscreen mode? When I try to play the bottom of the program is cut off and resizing the window doesn't help. I can't see the most recent messages and I'm assuming there's an inventory button or something down there I can't use either.

    1. What kind of screen resolution are you running at?

    2. It's 1176 x 664 (sorry for the slow response.)
